Let's Ramble
Two guys, Mikey and Stumpy, who ramble about all kinds of topics. Newsworthy, current events, random thoughts, whatever's going through their heads.
Let's Ramble
Episode 133 - A Whole New Direction
Mikey & Stumpy
Season 7
Episode 13
Mikey and Stumpy ramble about getting lost, being bad at directions and the best new rapper was found.
Pokemon Friend Codes:
Stumpy: 5585 3678 5092
Mikey: 8013 8878 5923
Podcast Social Media
-Twitter: @lets_ramble
-Instagram: @lets_ramble
-Facebook: www.facebook.com/letsramble
-Email: ramblepod@gmail.com
Our Personal Social Media
-Twitter: @mikeywenske
-Instagram: @mikeywenske
-Twitter: @TGWNLH
-Instagram: @theguywithnolefthand